
Benefits Of Sun Exposure Reduces The Risk Of Cancer

Benefits Of Sun Exposure Reduces The Risk Of Cancer

There are few topics I could write about that would be as controversial as safe sun exposure. Maybe vaccines and why I do not have a fever, but based on current research, this topic may be one of the most important that does not get enough attention.

Here's why:

Sunbathing and tanning often have a bad reputation in our society, but growing evidence shows that moderate sun exposure to healthy levels is not only safe but necessary.

Burning and extreme exposure to the sun are harmful and may lead to an increased risk of cancer. But moderate exposure to the sun does not increase this risk.

Vitamin D (obtained from exposure to the sun) has been associated with a lower risk of many cancers (including skin cancer).

In fact, the most recent in-depth review found that avoiding the sun was a risk factor for all-cause mortality of the same magnitude as smoking.

In other words: avoiding the sun can be as dangerous as smoking cigarettes!

Sun exposure ... Healthy?

First, let's all take a deep breath ... As I said, it's a controversial subject. I share what I found from research and blood tests on myself and my family.

 I am not a doctor and I do not play on the Internet or anywhere else. I just read a lot of studies for fun and I share some really fascinating news here.

Let's all agree to play well in the comments. Okay?

Even if we do not agree, please comment with respect. Let's also remember that anecdotal evidence proves nothing.

Examples of anecdotal evidence:

You know someone who has died of skin cancer, so you think that any exposure to the sun is bad. (Even if science does not confirm it and this scenario does not prove the causality).

You know someone who has been out every day of his life and has had a sunburn all the time and has never had cancer, so any exposure to the sun is safe. (Science does not support it either).

We all know people who have been touched by cancer and many hugs to all of you who have lost someone to this terrible disease.

This does not equate to a scientific study. I know someone who has never been exposed to the sun, wears a hat and sunscreen every day and still has skin cancer on his nose.

Nor is it scientifically relevant.

That said, current evidence shows that some levels of sun exposure are safe. Ironically, some research indicates that some sunscreen ingredients may increase skin cancer.

Sunscreen, sunburn and skin cancer, Oh My

In recent decades, the pressure to use sunscreen and limit sun exposure has increased. It is now possible to find SPF 70 or higher! Thanks to massive campaigns, most people are at least slightly aware of the "dangers" of sun exposure.

Except for sun exposure may not be as dangerous as we think! And avoid the sun can be the dangerous part.

Despite the pressure for greater awareness of sun exposure, and the advice to use sunscreen every time we go out, the incidence of skin cancer, especially melanoma, increases dramatically.

In fact, skin cancer rates are increasing 4.2% per year, despite the fact that we are spending less time outdoors and wearing more sunscreen.
We are doing what we are supposed to do and the problem is getting worse.

But is exposure to the sun the reason?

Here's where things get interesting ...

Maybe the problem is not lack of sunscreen, or even exposure to the sun, but a deeper cause.

A recent and in-depth scientific review has shown that even if sunburns are harmful, moderate, non-burning sun exposure (without sunscreen) has many benefits.


Recently, however, the scientific investigation has increasingly focused on the benefits of moderate sun exposure and the public health risks of insufficient sun exposure.

In other words:

Not getting enough sun can be just as harmful (or more) than too much. Like so many things in life, the dose is poisonous.

And, sunscreen can not help avoid cancer


Avoiding the sun is a good idea. The idea that sunscreen is the best way to do it is quite controversial.

We know that sunscreens are particularly strongly associated with various cancers, including vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D deficiency, both of which are the most common and dangerous types, especially when used regularly. Breast cancer and colon.

Even if our society should be exposed to sunlight to produce vitamin D naturally, we avoid the sun. Then use a loaded chemical lotion to reduce the type of cancer.

In the process, vitamin D deficiency can increase the likelihood of other cancers, including the most common and dangerous cancers.

And the above studies have shown that sunscreens do not even prevent melanoma!

Vitamin D: essential to health

In most cases, we (sometimes literally) are cutting our noses to overturn our faces when we see the sun.

A study conducted at the Oslo University Hospital in Norway showed that the benefits of sun exposure are much greater than any risk.

It is estimated that the increase in sunlight exposure to Norwegian population may be more than 200 to 300 cases per malignant melanoma death, but the vitamin D status will increase by about 25 nmol / l (nanomoles per liter).

In general, it can cause 4,000 internal cancers and about 3,000 cancer deaths.

It's just good math ...

Exposure to sunlight can kill hundreds of melanoma, but another 3,000 can kill. This means that 2,700-2,800 people can live without the sun. I will take this opportunity personally.

Other studies have linked vitamin D levels and Parkinson's disease, bone disease, blood clots, diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.

Recent studies have shown that regular exposure to sun has allowed women to live longer. Another study found that regular exposure to the sun could reduce the risk of breast cancer by half.

Vitamin D is important for pregnancy, babies and children.

Vitamin D is essential during pregnancy and lactation, as appropriate levels of vitamin D are associated with reduced risk of premature labor and overall risk of complications.

Low vitamin D levels can increase the risk of maternal diabetes mellitus to your mother and can cause your baby's bone problems or other problems.

According to another recent study, pregnant women should consume more sunlight to increase various health indicators for themselves and their babies.

Pregnancy and Vitamin D

This vitamin D advisory article explains the importance of vitamin D during pregnancy. The optimal level during pregnancy is 30 ng / mL or more. Some doctors recommend 60 ng / mL or higher, especially during pregnancy.

However, women are not close to this level.

Dr. Joyce Lee of the University of Michigan and her colleagues found that 37 of 40 pregnant women had levels below 40 ng / mL and the majority had levels below 20 ng / mL. More than 25% showed a concentration of less than 10 ng / mL.

Dasan Vitamin D researcher Lisa Bodnar says 400 women in Pennsylvania are pregnant. 63% were below 30 ng / mL and 44% of black women in the study were below 15 ng / mL. Prenatal vitamins had little effect on the incidence of deficiency.

Dr Dijkstra and his colleagues found no more than 40 ng / mL in a study of 70 pregnant women in the Netherlands and 50% were below 10 ng / mL. Because prenatal vitamins contain 400 IU of vitamin D,

it appears that the prenatal vitamins have little effect on the 25 (OH) D level.
They concluded.

More than 95% of pregnant women have a 25 (OH) D level of less than 50 ng / mL and can exhibit chronic substrate deprivation.
In other words, they use all Vitamin D very quickly and do not need to be stored for later use. Rather scary.

Low levels of this chronic vitamin D during pregnancy can increase the risk of cesarean section, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and maternal vaginal infections.

reference : healthwitheyes.blogspot.com

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