
7 Resources To Solve The High Cost Of Cancer Treatment

The Centers for Disease Control and Disease Control (CDC) recently published an analysis of the major medical and non-medical costs facing cancer survivors and patients in the United States.

7 Resources To Solve The High Cost Of Cancer Treatment

The CDC report analyzed data from 2008 to 2011 and found that per capita cancer treatment costs were as follows compared with those without a history of cancer:

Male Cancer Survivor: $ 8,000 per year Medical Expenses + $ 3 700 Annual Productivity Loss = $ 11,700
Women who are victims of cancer: Medical costs of $ 8,400 per year + Annual productivity losses of $ 4,000 = $ 12,400
The US CDC study also reported several other disturbing reports of the high cost of cancer treatment, with the price of anti-cancer drugs in IMS Health and cancer patients doubled in the past decade (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center ).

Although many media coverage of these studies cover the financial burden of patients with and without insurance, there is no solution that shows the cost of cancer treatment.

To help, there are eight financial resources and agencies to reduce the medical and non-medical costs of treating cancer patients in the United States:

1. Resource Directory: Cancer Financial Aid Alliance is an organization that helps people manage financial hardship in the fight against cancer. The Affiliate's website offers tips, articles, and resources that need comprehensive searches for help through zip codes, diagnoses, and help types.

2. The cost of anticancer drugs: The Network Access Patient Foundation will help underserved people face serious and potentially fatal diseases and make payments together.

3. Preliminary Plan: If you have a family history of cancer, buy low-cost cancer insurance and one-time insurance to cover the growing health insurance gap.

CancerInsurance. com allows you to reference, compare, shop and apply online competition insurance against cancer and serious illness.

 These programs pay a full policy (up to $ 100,000) as a one-time payment for a diagnosis - allowing one to use the money as they see fit.

4. Cancer Treatment Fees: The Healthwell Foundation provides financial assistance to eligible individuals, co-insurance, co-payment, medical insurance and deductibles for certain prescriptions and specific treatments.

Flyaway and City Angel Airlines Samariter promote commercial flights for free or at discounted prices for cancer patients and their dependents in need.

5. Free accommodation: The American Cancer Society hopes that the lodge offers cancer patients and their caregivers a place to stay while on the road and receive treatment in another city.

6. Free Cleaning: The charity clean-up is done in collaboration with more than 1,000 women's specialist hospitals across the country to provide free cleaning services for women's cancer treatment.

7. Free Prevention and Screening: All market health programs include many online prevention services for all adults and females without any cost sharing or underwriting.

These services include screening for cervical cancer, mammography every 1-2 years for women over the age of 40, and colorectal cancer screening for adults over 50 years of age.

If you know that more financial resources and organizations can help cancer patients manage the high cost of cancer care, please share with our readers in the comments section.

reference : healthwitheyes.blogspot.com

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